Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel

Fixing Cultures, Changing Careers, Building a Business--The Ray Green Story

Pete Havel Season 1 Episode 9

Ray Green, President & CEO of RJG & Co., went from being a serial entrepreneur to managing director of America's largest business advocacy organization, to a CEO who faced the toughest issues a leader can, to becoming a solopreneur impacting sales organizations across the globe.

Hear Pete Havel and Ray discuss hot topics, including:

  • what it took to change a culture
  • the phenomena of problem employees firing themselves if you build your culture properly
  • how an introvert can be an impactful leader
  • mercenaries
  • Ray's job that he never thought he'd be discussing in-depth on a podcast, but had to
  • the leadership hostage situation you want to avoid
  • the question you may want to ask in every job interview about a company's commitment to supporting their leaders
  • the value of picking your boss

To reach Ray, go to and at

You can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.

To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.

To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to Amazon

Audiobooks can be purchased at Audible