Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel
Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel
Set the Standard--Create Cultures of Excellence with Healthcare CEO Chris York
Chris York is the author of Set the Standard: Antidote to Average and is one of the top CEOs in healthcare when it comes to building a successful, productive team. Hear his secrets for setting the tone, succeeding when you're the new leader, building credibility with a team, taking on bad behavior, creating buy-in, balancing the big egos with the big picture, building trust, and much more. No matter what business you're in, you need to hear this conversation.
You can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at pete@petehavel.com, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.
To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.
To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to Amazon
Audiobooks can be purchased at Audible