Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel
Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel
Lead from the Heart--The Mark Crowley Story
Mark Crowley had an early life that no child should ever face, but has turned those dark moments into a leadership philosophy that made him one of the highest- performing team leaders in the entire Financial Services sector and now is a bestselling author, sought-after speaker, His book Lead from the Heart: Transformational Leadership for the 21st Century is a deep dive into what leading from the heart looks like--it's relationship-based, positive, proactive and successful. If you as a leader are looking for tips, or your leadership team is looking for answers, you need to understand and implement leading from the heart. If you want more information about Mark Crowley or to reach him, go to http://www.markccrowley.com , follow him on Twitter @marccrowley and buy his book, Lead from the Heart, at all leading online bookstores.
You can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at pete@petehavel.com, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.
To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.
To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to Amazon
Audiobooks can be purchased at Audible