Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel
Gas Glue Guardrails. The Culture, Leadership and Careers Show with Pete Havel
The Career Fall and the Comeback--The Poncho Nevarez Story
Hear an amazing story of a powerful person who lost that power and prestige in the drop of an envelope. Poncho Nevarez was an influential, political rising star until his career ended in a life-changing destructive moment that he now calls one of the best moments of his life. He was caught up in the power and loved the political game, but it consumed him. To look for an edge and to cope with the battles, he became an addict. And that addiction led to him being investigated by the same people he oversaw as a high-powered legislative committee chairman. Hear the story of how that drop of an envelope led to a changed life, the type of perspective that only adversity can bring us, a new appreciation for family and friends, and his new mission in life: learning from his mistakes, rebuilding, and starting his second act.
You're going to face career adversity--maybe personal adversity--at some point. Your image and ego may be obliterated in an instant. If you're wondering how you can gain perspective to prevent it, deal with it, and understand it, this episode is for you.
You can reach Pete Havel at http://www.fireproofedleadership, com via email at pete@petehavel.com, through LinkedIn, Twitter, and by phone at 214.244.7906.
To buy a signed copy of his book, The Arsonist in the Office, click HERE.
To purchase an unsigned copy of Pete's book, The Arsonist in the Office, go to Amazon
Audiobooks can be purchased at Audible